Watersports of Palm Beach

Assumption of Risk and Responsibility:

Please read & fill out the form below.


I agree to assume responsibility for all risks, including those listed above, and others not identified, by participating voluntarily. I acknowledge that all participants in my party have been made aware of the risks, and I will be responsible for them. I affirm that I am not impaired by alcohol or drugs and do not have any disability or condition that may impair my safe operation of the water jet car. I choose to participate in the rental use in spite of the risks and potential dangers of operation on and around the water. I understand that at the total discretion of Watersports Of Palm Beach, this rental agreement can be terminated if there is a question as to the competency or condition of the operator or when weather conditions prevent the safe operation of the water jet car. I also understand that any film, video, photo, or images of me and my party while operating the rental jet car may be used for promotional or social media purposes.

Release of Liability:

In consideration for the services provided by Watersports Of Palm Beach in the rental of a jet car/jet ski, I, on behalf of myself, any minor children for whom I am the parent or guardian, and any guests I may be entertaining or any representative of me, agree that Watersports Of Palm Beach shall have no liability for any injuries, death, or damages caused by the operation of the jet car/jet ski. I/we release and discharge Watersports Of Palm Beach and its insurers for any damages or injuries, however caused.

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